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Creatures Lair

The Elkecub's are very pleasant creatures in Silvis. They protect all human beings from the evil just by a simple blow of flames from it's shield. They give happiness to the world of Silvis.  

The Elkecub's

The Dubyle's

Dubyle's are definetley the sneaky ones. When they are sleeping they may seem all sweet but if you get to close they will screech with their tiny lungs making you grip your ears in pain. They are part of Yelumes army.  

The Emeld's 

The Emeld's are very elegant. They like to protect Elkecub's army. However, they become very viscous when attacking the evil side by standing on their blacklegs to try and scare them away. 

Salguod the giant 

The Salguod thinks that he is head of the woods. He is very intimating towards your side, the good side. Although once you get to know him he is very gentle and a kind soul.  

Yelume the evil one

Everyone can't stand Yelume. He is the devil of the woods. His poisiness hat is linked to his brain to then make his tongue poisness. He hisses and spits at everyone to make them run away or die. Sometimes, Yelume can be evil to his army because he never likes to be talked to. You do not want to go near him.  


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